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  • Writer's pictureMama C

Valentine's Fun Planning!

So some may have seen my last post about why pre-planning matters - it is all about end of life planning... But have you ever stopped to think about what all the things are that we plan for?

Today my planning is in reference to the upcoming Valentine's Day Holiday. Having five small humans who all need to take valentines for their class can be very costly - and can just be trashed in some cases. What does that equal in my mind - throwing money away. My goal for this year was to quit throwing so much money away.

I held an Usborne books party (check my friend Jillian's link if you're interested!) In this party not only did my amazing friends and family order books for their kids, but my own twins C & E (turning to B as he has decided to use his given name vs. his middle name!) Got almost $200 in free books! It was amazing!

During this party Jillian showed us Stained Glass Coloring Books & at a very reasonable cost even! Then there was a link to use these as valentines. So here we go! Fast forward to today - I cut coloring books apart to use as valentines! I'm knowing that these will be thrown away eventually, but just maybe something new & different will be hung on windows for a little while longer than a typical coloring page on a fridge.

I am super excited for the kids to choose who gets what coloring page and gives these to their classmates! Plus is that these are less than $.50 a kid! When you have 5 small humans that's huge for me!

Onto valentines for my own children - I am at a huge loss. WE have SO. MUCH. JUNK. in this house it isn't even funny! I want so badly to just toss everything to give myself peace, but these things mean things to the children I love so much. The last thing I want to do is give more stress to our house. SO that means knick-knacks, stuffed animals, and "things" are out for their gifts. Snacks & candy are always winners around here, but...we don't really need more snacks. Adding that Valentine's Day is on a Monday we will be extra busy as Mondays are school, gymnastics, and wrestling practice; we don't need a sugar high.

I think we will do breakfast for supper, even though my hubby does not prefer this at all. I was scrolling Pinterest though and came across this post from Pioneer Woman

Egg in a Hole - so many names....but basically it would be ever so easy to cut that "hole" from the bread in the shape of a heart & cook the egg in the toast with the heart!

I'm going to name it "Egg in a Heart" and I'm testing it out for my lunch today! I think the kids would like this! Maybe even my hubby will get a kick out of it. Also add some strawberries and salsa for the hubbs. Very simple & quick to make - takes maybe a minute or two per slice. I use a griddle that is liberally sprayed with cooking spray to keep the bread from sticking - this also allows me to make 4 at once. Put the bread slices down, break the eggs into the heart, poke the yokes (since none of my kids like dunky yoked eggs) once whites are white, not clear anymore carefully flip the "Egg in a Heart" A good 30 seconds or so on the top cooks it the rest of the way through & then can be served.

Step 1: Cut heart shape out of the slice of bread & set aside.

Step 2: Grill egg in the hole of the bread on a very well greased skillet

Step 3: flip the egg in the heart very gently, and flip heart center if grilling

Step 4: place the nicer looking side up on a plate and serve!

Now since my kids don't like dunking toast in the yokes, I'll put some jelly on the heart cut out piece so they'll eat it, too. Throw some strawberry hearts ("v" cut the stems out of large strawberries to make hearts) And TA-DA! Valentine's supper for the kids on a hurry to the next activity night!

Here's a stolen image from Mommy Hates Cooking that is similar to my plans! BUT not exactly the same :)

For anyone who made it this far thank you! Hopefully you didn't find this a waste of your time! I love sharing my thoughts and ideas!

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