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  • Writer's pictureMama C


So here we are eight days into the new year. Where are you with life? Have you set out to be a "better you"? How about maybe a healthier you? Did you set lofty goals and already fall off the wagon? (Yep I'm here right now!)

I'm here to tell you that you can restart any day of any week of any month! Fall off a horse and you have to get back on or the horse wins right? Well it's just like that - Quit smoking & had a cigarette - it's okay - quit again.

Practice makes perfect is how the saying goes & I'm here to tell you just keep practicing. You're allowed a bad day, a fall off the wagon, drag it to the timber & burn it down day. The next day though you have to get back up and hop on again - new horse, new wagon, new whatever it is in your world.

So here I'm telling you that I'm jumping into new ponds - I set goals, probably too many for my already full schedule, but I need to do something for me. I quit the church and am home more. It is amazing - but it's also hectic and busy because things are constantly in a state of change. Life would be boring if it weren't changing and we can't have that now can we?!?

So today I tell you - I am doing two different things that are for me 100%. 1st is for my health and I want to share - many know I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) summer 2021. I am going back on the health system Plexus. I have a website so that I may share with my people. I'm not doing this for income. I'm doing this so that I can feel better, but I want to share if anyone else wants to feel better too!

This program is all about keeping your gut in balance. I like it because it is helping my IBS without drugs. I haven't been to a GI specialist & I'm not a doctor; I'm just telling you my personal experience. Plexus contains kits that focus on many things - I use the gut health products, but there are also weight loss, kids products, and general nutrition products. The best part to me is that there is a 3 day trial pack that doesn't break the bank! I know Thrive gives you 3 day sets for free, but it isn't necessarily an investment in yourself so I didn't take it as seriously. I know It Works gives you trials and incentives too. I don't even know when or how this product affiliation works, I just know that I like it so I want to share! I have a paper copy book coming so that people who don't like to shop online can partake too!

The 2nd thing that I'm doing is sharing my faith in God through a clothing website called Saved By Christ! Their clothes are perfect to say how I feel about Jesus. I get some kickback for supporting and being a brand ambassador for this company. 10% of all sales of the "All are Welcome" sweatshirt will go to our youth faith formation program because the reason I want to wear these things is that I am tired of the clothes that, while humorous, are against my beliefs. Is the link to order from this company and if you use code CHRISTINERU to get 15% off your order and all orders over $75 get free shipping! I know we have local people making shirts, but with the supply chain shortages and whatnots this is just another avenue to dress in a way that shares Jesus and God in these times of life.

These are 2 of my 2022 doing it for me resolutions! I am jumping back on my own wagon and working on things that I can do for my health and wellbeing. Father Philip said on Sunday in his homily that we should pick a word for 2022. Something that should be our focus - my word is prayer. In all things I will pray. I will pause during upsetting times to pray. I will pray during the good times to thank God for these good times. I will pray through the trials and tribulations, sins of myself and others against me. I will also work on teaching prayer to others - this is how my affiliation with Saved by Christ came about. I wanted a way to share without even knowing sometimes. I told my 3rd graders at faith formation on Wednesday that we will be focusing on learning prayers to use prayer in their everyday lives. I will continue to use prayers for those around me who need hope and healing. I will also be open with anyone who asks me about God, Jesus, praying, or any other aspect of my faith.

Please note: I may receive discounts or commissions from items purchased through links in the post above. None of these change how I truly feel about these products.

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